Dear friends,

What a year! 2023 was arguably the most productive in our seven-year history. Here are some stats:

  • Two weeklong in-person workshops in lovely Vienna
  • Roughly 1,000 commits
  • Countless empty bottles of Mate

But most importantly, it was the year where Frameland finally came together. What was previously just a loose collection of maps, scripts, scenes and music — now becomes an actual game.

This was an overwhelming feeling for us, as this is what we've been working so hard to achieve. And as we were approaching the end of 2023, we realized two things: "Hey, this is fun!" but also "This needs more polish."

And with that, we’ll give you the final status update of 2023:

If you take a look at the calendar, you might realize we're not gonna make a 2023 release. We realized that the game is still a bit rough around the edges in certain parts. This is not us being perfectionistic, we just need to sand off these edges to make a consistently good experience. It was always quality over quantity for us, and as a short RPG, we want to make sure every scene, every fight, every map is as good as it can be.

So, we need to postpone to 2024. But we will be releasing next year, that's a promise!

We also want to say thank you. Thank you for your comments, your encouragement, your patience, and especially the amazing response to our gameplay trailer. Mark our words. 2024 will be the year of Frameland!

Happy new year from all of us.

With love,
Markus, Sebastian & Mario

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